Stock Market is volatile as it reacts spontaneously to the world updates and news. Therefore, a better approach to optimize risk-adjusted return is to follow the market trend and hold a hedge portfolio in derivatives. Positional Trading is designed to capture maximum advantage of market volatility with more frequent recommendations along with risk management through trailing stop-loss.
What: Swing trading strategy using derivative market
Whom: For active traders who wish to capture big swing
Ideal for: For Investors who wish to explore just futures and options segments.
In this service we provide 4 to 8 Stock Futures and option calls per month depends on Equity Market conditions. Some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.
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