Short Term

Short-Term Investments

This Service basically for short term Investors and traders who are keen to make some instant profit. This service is a bit riskier as compared to other services, but if well executed can yield good returns. Execution and implementation of calls is key to this service. Short term calls are based on the Fundamental & Technical Analysis with more focus and emphasis on Technical Analysis. Short term investment calls are valid for duration of 1 week to maximum 3 months. If the target or the stop loss is not reached the call is closed.



• Investment calls for short term Investor & Traders, these calls are given based on the fundamental & Technical Analysis with more thrust on Technical by our research team.
• Short term investment calls are for the duration of 1 week to maximum 3 months.
• Depending on the market conditions, average 10 to 15 short term investment calls are given in this service.
• Our Short term calls gives reasonable returns, stop losses are between 5 to 10 percent and returns are between 10 to 20 percent. Now even if you calculate the net return that is after deducting the unsuccessful calls losses and the cost thereof the returns to the subscribers are still positive, however with proper execution and implementation of calls.
• Well defined stop loss and target are given with every call. Clients get instant SMS, so that they can take instant action.

"Notice: Only Smallcase-related services are active. For other services, please stay tuned for updates."